Peaceful sailing in emerald river Soča, beautiful views, cold drinks and good food. The tourist Paddle wheeler Lucija, Most na Soči, makes all this possible for you. Your children will drive a ship instead of a captain, brasses with the ship’s siren and measuring the depth of the lake with a sonar.
The Lucija is 30 m long and 4 m wide. Its two decks are separated by the wheel room, kitchen, and washrooms. It accommodates 100 passengers, offers meals, snacks and drinks, and many a tall tale from its captain. The tourist Paddle wheeler Lucija, Most na Soči takes tourists from its dock at Most na Soči south along the river Soča to the accumulation lake and the dam at Doblar and north to the confluence with the Tolminka. Since 1993 up to 20 thousand sight seers per annum have enjoyed the wild life and the wonders of travel on the Soča. During the excursion, children are invited to take the wheel, wear the captain’s cap, and some where at mid-point the captain stops the Lucija and tells the legend of the creation of the lake, including a princess, a cave, a dragon and an almost happy ending.