Homestead Munda "Liminjanka", Portorož
Homestead Munda "Liminjanka", Portorož
Homestead Munda "Liminjanka", Portorož
Homestead Munda "Liminjanka", Portorož
Homestead Munda "Liminjanka", Portorož
Homestead Munda "Liminjanka", Portorož
Homestead Munda "Liminjanka", Portorož
Homestead Munda "Liminjanka", Portorož
Homestead Munda "Liminjanka", Portorož
Homestead Munda "Liminjanka", Portorož
Homestead Munda "Liminjanka", Portorož
Homestead Munda "Liminjanka", Portorož
Homestead Munda "Liminjanka", Portorož

Homestead Munda “Liminjanka”, Portorož

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Homestead Munda “Liminjanka”, Portorož, it is home of confessed extra virgin olive oil. The homestead is located on Liminjan hill, on something more than two hectares (all around the house). They have planted over 500 olive trees in 10 different varieties.

liminjanka 1

Olives used for:

1.) Production of high quality extra virgin olive oil

The oil is made from organic farming and has all the necessary certificates. Olive oil is made from next kinds of olive trees:

Podeželje v mestuOlje ZOP 250♠ Istrska belica
♠ Leccina
♠ Piranska buga
♠ Pendolina
♠ Piranska črnica
♠ Frantoia
♠ Maurina





2.) Olives for storing

More important olives for storing:

Oljke v pikantnem♦ Piranska ukrivljenka (štorta)
♦ Santa caterina
♦ Ascolano tenero

From these basic crops Homestead Munda “Liminjanka”, Portoroz, also manufactures:

Oljke z zeliščia.) olive spreads of different flavors
b.) pickled olives: in brine, in a spicy brine, in brine with herbs, olive oil,
c.) olive oil with additives: spicy olive oil with rosemary, lemon, orange, ginger and gold leaf (22 carat)




Besides those products Homestead Munda “Liminjanka”, Portorož, also makes other products that we like to call them our own like persimmon, kiwi, figs and grape (izabela) jam.




Company info

Domačija Munda
Liminjan 14, 6320 Portorož - Portorose
tel: 031/ 358 - 954

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