Forestry and agricultural machinery HRUST, circular saw for wood, transport bands, Lower Carniola, manufacture our own agricultural and forestry machinery and circular saws. As the name “Hrust” (strong man) suggests, the company products are robust and very powerful.
All our products are made quality and professionally. We boast with multiyear tradition of business and numerous satisfied customers. Our clients are not only from the Republic of Slovenia, but also from other countries around the world.
Why choose Forestry and agricultural machinery HRUST, circular saw for wood, transport bands, Lower Carniola?
∞ multiyear tradition of business
∞ larger number of satisfied and reputable references
∞ well made products
∞ regular following of innovation
∞ numerous experiences in field of making agricultural and forestry mechanization
∞ excellent relationship between quality and price
∞ advise customers
Our products:
If you would like to order any of our products, please contact us by web form or call on telephone number +386 (0)51 688 – 880. The company Forestry and agricultural machinery HRUST, circular saw for wood, transport bands, Lower Carniola, will be happy to cooperate with you.