Accounting service, Magras, Novo mesto, Lower Carniola
Accounting service, Magras, Novo mesto, Lower Carniola
Accounting service, Magras, Novo mesto, Lower Carniola
Accounting service, Magras, Novo mesto, Lower Carniola
Accounting service, Magras, Novo mesto, Lower Carniola
Accounting service, Magras, Novo mesto, Lower Carniola

Accounting service, Magras, Novo mesto, Lower Carniola

Average Reviews


magras novaAccounting service, Magras, Novo mesto, Lower Carniola, has been responsible and quality accounting services for over 10 years. They gained large number of satisfied customers in this time.

Services, that offer you:

á´¥ complete accounting services
á´¥ complete bookkeeping services
á´¥ tax advice for existing customers
á´¥ other services in the field of accounting, bookkeeping and tax consulting
á´¥ business consulting
á´¥ individual consultation
á´¥ possibility of electronic banking (issuing and paying bills through banking programs)

Why choose Accounting service, Magras, Novo mesto, Lower Carniola?

∞ many years experiences
∞ many satisfied customers
∞ regular extra education
∞ up-to-date monitoring of innovation and notifying the customers on innovations
∞ professional approach to work
∞ work is completed professionally

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The services are suitable for:

â–ª sole proprietors (s.p.)
â–ª micro and small enterprises (d.o.o.)
â–ª lawyers
â–ª Doctors
â–ª trade unions and societies

If you have extra questions get in touch with Accounting service, Magras, Novo mesto, Lower Carniola.

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Company info

Marjetka Golob s.p.
Glavni trg 14, 8000 Novo mesto
tel: 07/ 337 - 99 - 48
gsm: 041/ 794 - 674

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